Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Scarfmaster Extraordinaire

During our February  2016 meeting of the Oak Cliff Ball and Chain Crochet Guild meeting, we took time to honor one of our own, Ms. Phyllis.

Our chapter has conducted several “Chapter Challenges”, i.e. Special Olympics of Texas and Caps for Kids at Parkland Hospital.  So when a chapter member asked the chapter to make scarves for the Giocosa Foundation, everyone said yes.  The Chapter Challenge was to make as many scarves as we could  for the children in Giocosa’s care.  The scarves would be given out during their annual Christmas party.

Giocosa Foundation is a child placement agency working with Child Protective Services to place children in foster families and/ or adoptive families.

Ms. Phyllis answered this call by crocheting 53 scarves!!  She singlehandedly put ALL of us to shame.  Because of Mrs. Phyllis determination and herculean effort 53 children in the North Texas Foster Care System had a warmer Christmas 2015.

We in the Oak Cliff Ball and Chain Guild could not let this past without honoring Ms. Phyllis.  In addition to dubbed “Scarfmaster Extraordinaire”, Ms. Phyllis was awarded to Oak Cliff Ball and Chain Gold Hook Award.  For her blue ribbon effort, she was awarded:

  • §  Golden Hook ( P size Afghan hook from Big Smith)
  • §  $25.00 ( to be used at the yarn store of her choice)
  • §  Yearly dues waived
  • §  Certificate of Achievement
  • §  A huge duffle bag of red Heart Yarn and various notions

To help honor and celebrate Ms. Phyllis achievement her children and grandchildren were all in attendance at our February 2016 meeting.  And of course they were all wearing scarves made by Ms. Phyllis.
Ms. Phyllis

Our chapter President, Vicki, presents Ms. Phyllis with a Certificate of Achievement. 

Ms. Phyllis and her family.  All of them are wearing scarves crocheted by Ms. Phyllis.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 2013 Meeting

Greetings all,
Well we had another great meeting of the Oak Cliff Ball and Chain Crochet Guild.
If you did not make it to the meeting here are a few highlights:
·       Each member is to receives two T-shirts, we are currently consulting with T-shirt vendors
·       Our new information and technology liaison came to offer us a brief overview of the exciting new developments she has in store for our guild. The biggest change is that we have stepped into the digital age and now have our very own guild blog. This will help keep members updated on what's going on and allow us to showcase our talents online. Also we have the creation of our digital club contact book. The contact book will be emailed to all members so that everyone has each member’s contact info.
·       There will be upcoming updates on the national crochet guild conference for anyone interested in going.

Ongoing Projects: